Forthcoming Events

Refurbishment at the Nedderman Centre

If you have been to one of our activities or groups at the Nedderman Centre in New Milton in the last few months you will have seen how much the Centre has changed!  The addition of a partition wall means that we now have two separate spaces which can be used at the same time (not possible before) and we have also added a well-appointed accessible toilet.  Work on improving  accessibility to the building with improvements to the ramp will also be happening shortly.

These fantastic improvements have only been possible with the support from the following organisations who have provided grants or donations for this work

New Forest District Council
The Clothworkers Company
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
Sir Baily Thomas Charitable Foundation
The Gerald Micklem Charitable Trust
The Rank Foundation
On behalf of everyone – thank you very much!





There are many ways to fund raise

We fundraise in the usual way with street collections and stalls at local fairs. We have clothes bins in the Tesco car park in Brockenhurst and by our New Milton offices in Marryatt Road BH25 5NY and collect plastic bottle tops which people send us from all over the country including HMRC, the MoD and BT Tower and also from local schools and hospitals.

Sometimes we are adopted for a year by an organisation such as Women’s Institute or Rotary Club or Lions. These organisations are so helpful to us and we are glad to reciprocate by sending speakers to their meetings.

Fundraising is crucial to our being able to continue our work. We are not funded by a central organisation and rely on the goodwill of the public and donor organisations.

If you would like to join us on any of our fundraising activities please contact [email protected]

Or if you are a corporate body and would like to adopt us please contact [email protected]

New Milton Rugby Club Family Fun Day – 29 June 2019

Find New Forest Mencap and the New Forest Gateway Club here with a stall with lucky dip, tombola, plants and lovely handmade items for sale – see you there!


For more information on Fundraising, Volunteering, taking part in Events and other Opportunities within our Charity please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Charity office: 01425 621893

Or keep up-to-date by visiting our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.

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